I recently viewed a video on Xtranormal.com (a YouTube type site) that was created to depict how some people view “custom woodworkers”. In over 14 years of doing business as NH Accents Fine Crafts, I must admit that a few potential clients have shared this view of what we “custom woodworkers” do. I have in… Read more »
Document Box
Okay it has been a long time since our last blog , but we finally we have something to show for all the hard work de-nailing and moving those big beams. I know it is not a Greene and Greene, but I build what clients ask for. Last but not least, that is what pays… Read more »
Recycling 159 Year Old Timbers-Off to the sawmill
Okay it has been almost a year since we received the beams. Lack of time, bad weather and lots of work have kept us from de-nailing the beams. When we had the time it rained. When the weather behaved we were too busy. My wife had major surgery. She has been a real trooper, these… Read more »
Recycling 159+ Year Old Timbers-Final Delivery
I have been calling these beams 159 year old timbers, but that was the time they were harvested. My research says that these trees were usually 200+ years old when harvested. That would make these beams anywhere from 250-300 years old. If there is an arboriculturalist out there that is willing to explain how to… Read more »
Recycling 159 Year Old Timbers
This is our inaugural blog and we have chosen to write about NH Accents most recent and most exciting project. We are purchasing 159 year old ‘white pine’ and ‘long leaf pine’ beams from the owners of the Pandora Building, 1850 Associates in Manchester, NH. In an effort to be more proactive in the green… Read more »