I want to hire a custom cabinet maker

I recently viewed a video on Xtranormal.com (a YouTube type site) that was created to depict how some people view “custom woodworkers”.  In over 14 years of  doing business as NH Accents Fine Crafts, I must admit that a few potential clients have shared this view of what we “custom woodworkers” do.  I have in the past and continue to educate potential clients about producing custom items and their costs.  Custom woodworkers wear many hats. They are designers, drafters, educational ambassadors and last but not least craftsman or craftswomen.  We work many long and hard hours at our trade, continuously educating ourselves to do better work, faster and less expensively.  It has been my good luck to have many customers who truly appreciate my efforts in their projects.  I personally have been in the woodworking field for over 35 years, with my wife at my side.  I continue to strive for excellence and  quality in my work, even in this current economy of planned obsolescence.   What we as woodworkers do is take pride in our craft, using our skills, education, experience and talent to produce the best possible products.

The link is below is for you to view and use it as an educational tool.
