Well, who could ask for more. It’s fall in New England, Portsmouth, New Hampshire to be precise. It’s early Saturday morning and the temperature is in the mid forties. The forecast is for sun, temperature 80-85 degrees with a breeze. We arrived at 8:10am after having 3 hours of sleep the night before. You see we were up until 1:00am working on last minute details for the Strawbery Banke “Fall Festival”. Gregg Brackett from Strawbery Banke contacted us and asked if we would like to participate. We were honored that the Strawbery Banke organization deemed us worthy of such an event. There was even to be a chilly cook off in conjunction with Prescott Park.
As you can see from the photographs all went well. A very large crowd was expected, especially for the chilly. There was a huge interest in our Antique Pine furniture pieces as well as my wife Maria’s wonderful trivets (made from shop scrap lumber). God bless her, she polished these trivets with butcher block wax and sand paper, starting at 100 grit and ending with 2,000 grit (no that’s not a typo). The shine was such that you could almost see your reflection, the feel was like silk. All the customers wanted to do was to fondle the trivets all day long. We even managed to sell a few. At $45.00 for an 8″ x8″x 1″ thick, I thought they were a steal. I guess the economic times are hard everywhere. I can however say that, somewhere in England there is one of our trivets that will be given as a gift this Christmas. The day ended well, we gave out lots of business cards and pens. We spoke to many people looking to do work in the near future. Who could resist spending a beautiful fall day at such an historic site as the Strawbery Banke Museum.
Our next event will be in Manchester, NH, just up the street from our shop at 1000 Elm Street, Brady Sullivan Plaza. This will be a Christmas Fair organized by “In Town Manchester”. So for every Saturday in the month of December 2011 you will find us at a booth (I know not where, yet) selling our wares. See you in Manchester,NH.